* the original gamlss package for fitting GAMLSS (now depends on gamlss.dist and gamlss.data
* the gamlss.add package for extra additive terms.
* the gamlss.boot experimental package for bootstrapping centile curves (not in CRAN).
* the gamlss.cens package for fitting censored (interval) response variables.
* the gamlss.data package for all example data used in GAMLSS.
* the gamlss.demo package for demos using the R package rpanel.
* the gamlss.dist package for all gamlss.family distributions.
* the gamlss.inf package for fitting zero inflated and zero adjusted continuous distributions.
* the gamlss.mx package for fitting finite mixture distributions.
* the gamlss.nl package for fitting nonlinear models.
* the gamlss.rsm experimental package for fitting randomly stopped models (not in CRAN).
* the gamlss.spatial package for fitting Gaussian Markov random fields (MRF) models in GAMLSS.
* the gamlss.tr package for fitting truncated distributions.
* the gamlss.util package having functions not necessarily related to GAMLSS.
Information how to use the packages can be found in the books and vignette page.
Third party GAMLSS related packages for R
- gamboostLSS – Boosting Methods for GAMLSS models.
- BAMLSS – Bayesian Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape (and Beyond)